SCM reports
SCM reports help you analyze activity in your SCM tools, including:
- Individual developer contributions.
- Volume of rework and other code changes.
- Lead time and activities related to PRs and SCM issues.
- Review collaboration.
- Most active repositories and files.
Reports can be filtered by project, repository, time range, and other data points, depending on your SCM integrations.
SCM code activity reports
Use SCM code activity reports to analyze direct coding activity in your SCM tool, such as volume of commits, coding days, types of files modified, rework, and activity in each repository.
- SCM Coding Days Report: A coding day is any day where a developer commits code.
- SCM Coding Days Single Stat: Report a single stat related to coding days. Numeric values are calculated to two decimal places.
- SCM Commits Report: Analyze commit activity, such as number of commits per month.
- SCM Commits Single Stat: Report a single stat related to commit activity.
- SCM Committers Report: Analyze the volume of code changes by committer.
- SCM File Types Report: Analyze commit and PR activity by file extension.
- SCM Files Report: Identify code areas with a high frequency of changes. You can use this to make sure that your hottest code areas have good test coverage.
- SCM Repos Report: Volume of changes by repository. You can use this to identify your most active repositories.
- SCM Rework Report: Rework measures changes to previously-written code.
Some code velocity metrics contribute to Trellis Scores:
- Coding days are part of the Speed factor.
- Number of commits per month is part of the Volume factor.
- Percentage of rework determines the Quality factor.
SCM Committers Report
With the SCM Committers Report, you can analyze the following data for each committer in the Collection:
- The number of PRs they have worked on.
- The number of commits they've made.
- The number of lines of code they have contributed.
This information helps you with:
- Accountability and transparency: Establish accountability by identifying the individuals responsible for making changes to source code, and provide transparency by showing who contributed to a project.
- Project management and resource allocation: Understand the contributions of individual developers.
- Performance evaluation and recognition: Evaluate the performance of individual developers or teams based on their contributions to a project.
SCM to CI/CD jobs reports
- SCM Commit to CI/CD Job Lead Time Trend Report: Analyze the time taken to deploy commits to production. This can help you improve commit-to-deployment lead time.
- SCM Commit to CI/CD Job Lead Time Single Stat: Report a single state related to commit-to-deployment lead time.
- SCM Change Volume to CI/CD Job Trend Report: Analyze the frequency and volume of deployed code changes. You can use this report to correlate increases in quality issues with the volume of deployed changes.
- SCM Change Volume to CI/CD Jobs Single Stat: Report a single stat related to the frequency or volume of deployed code changes.
- Code Volume Vs. Deployment Report
For more information about CI/CD job reports, go to CI/CD job reports.
SCM issues reports
Use SCM issues reports to analyze data related to the volume and lifetime of issues in your SCM tool.
Issue volume
- SCM Issues Report: Analyze the number of issues in your SCM tool by time, label, or other categories.
- SCM Issues Count Single Stat: Report a single stat related to the number of issues in your SCM tool.
- SCM Issues Trends Report: Analyze changes over time in the volume of SCM issues.
Issue first response lead time
First response lead time is measured as the time elapsed between issue creation and when someone, other than the reporter, comments on the issue.
- SCM Issues First Response Report: Analyze the creation-to-first-response lead time for issues in your SCM tool.
- SCM Issues First Response Single Stat: Report a single stat related to first response lead time.
- SCM Issues First Response Trends Report: Analyze changes over time for first response lead time.
Issue resolution time
Use the SCM Issues Resolution Time Report to analyze the overall time taken to close SCM issues.
Issue cycle time
The SCM Issues Time Across Stages Report analyzes cycle time for SCM issues. You can configure this widget by project, repository, or other parameters to help you identify the Kanban state where issues spend the most time.
Only GitHub is supported, and your GitHub SEI integration must have the appropriate configuration to ingest issue cycle time data.
SCM PR reports
Use the SCM PR reports to analyze data related to Pull Requests (also known as Merge Requests).
- SCM PRs Report: A high-level view of PRs moving through your SCM tool.
- SCM PRs Single Stat: Report a single stat related to PR activity.
- SCM PRs First Review To Merge Trends: Examine the time that passes between a PR's first review and when it is merged.
- SCM PRs First Review To Merge Trend Single Stat: Examine a single stat related to first-review-to-merge time.
- SCM PRs First Review Trends
- SCM PRs First Review Trend Single Stat
- SCM PR Lead Time by Stage Report: Examine lead time based on your defined PR lifecycle stages. By default, this report shows the average time for all PRs. You can drill down to explore data for individual PRs.
- SCM PR Lead Time Trend Report: Examine trends in PR lead-time-by-stage.
- SCM PRs Merge Trends: Analyze trends in lead time to merge PRs.
- SCM PRs Merge Trend Single Stat: Report a single stat related to lead time to merge PRs.
- SCM PRs Response Time Report
- SCM PRs Response Time Single Stat
- SCM Review Collaboration Report: Analyze how a team performs code reviews by examining whether PRs were approved before being merged or closed.
- SCM File Types Report: Analyze commit and PR activity by file extension.
- PR Activity: Generic PR activity report.
To examine PRs by committer, use the SCM Committers Report.
To understand how lead time is calculated, go to PR lead time calculation.
SCM Review Collaboration Report
Use the SCM Review Collaboration Report to understand how a team performs code reviews, expended effort in the code review process, and overall team collaboration in PR reviews. You can determine if a team is adopting a buddy system culture, where peers regularly review each other's code, or if the team is overwhelmed by code reviews and merging code without proper approval.
You can configure this widget to track PRs merged or PRs closed by the team, along with other filters such as destination branch, project, and so on.

SCM PRs Report
The SCM PRs Report shows a high level view of PRs moving through your SCM tool. This is a versatile report that analyzes different attributes in the development process through your SCM tool. You can configure this report to inspect data by assignee, destination branch, reviewer, repository, and more. For example, you can use this report to:
- Analyze how many PRs each developer raises.
- Analyze PR comments and categorize them based on a threshold.
- Better understand the overall contribution of the team.

On the Filters tab, you can configure what data feeds into this widget by creating inclusive and exclusive filters. For example, you can set the widget to show PRs in closed status in the last 7 days.
On the Aggregations tab, you can select the dimension to use for the X-axis, such as Project, Creator, Branch, and so on. This determines what you want the widget to focus on. For example, focusing on Project can show you the PR resolution time for different work areas; whereas, focusing on Creator can show you PR resolution time by PR author.
On the Settings tab, you can:
- Set thresholds for code change size and density. This is useful if you want to exclude small PRs.
- Set small, medium, and large size thresholds based on lines of code or number of files.
- Set shallow, good, or heavy density thresholds based on number of comments per file.
- Select how you want to sort X-axis data, such as ascending or descending.
- Select the maximum number of unique values to show on the X-axis.
- Select the visualization (bar chart, pie chart, line chart, and so on).
SCM Coding Days Report
The SCM Coding Days Report displays the number of days in a given time period that a user or team has committed code to their SCM repository. This report can be used to track how active a user or team is in terms of code development and to identify trends in coding activity over time.
The SCM Coding Days Report can be configured to track the following metrics:
- Average Coding Days Per Week: The average number of days per week where code commits were made. A minimum of 7 days is required to calculate this metric.
- Median Coding Days Per Week: The median number of days per week where code commits were made. A minimum of 7 days is required to calculate this metric.
- Average Coding Days Per Two Weeks: The average number of days over a two-week period where code commits were made. A minimum of 14 days is required to calculate this metric.
- Median Coding Days Per Two Weeks: The median number of days over a two-week period where code commits were made. A minimum of 14 days is required to calculate this metric.
- Average Coding Days Per Month: The average number of days per month where code commits were made. A minimum of 28 days is required to calculate this metric.
- Median Coding Days Per Month: The median number of days per month where code commits were made. A minimum of 28 days is required to calculate this metric.

SCM PR Lead Time by Stage Report
Use the SCM PR Lead Time by Stage Report to examine PR velocity based on time spent in various PR lifecycle stages. By default, this report shows the average time for all PRs. You can drill down to explore data for individual PRs. You can also configure this report to show the median, 90th percentile, or 95th percentile, instead of the average time.
To add the SCM PR Lead Time by Stage Report to Insights:
- Go to the Insight where you want to add the widget. Make sure you are in the correct project.
- Select Settings, and then select Add Widget.
- Select the SCM PR Lead Time by Stage Report widget.
- Configure the filters for the widget, such as source/destination branch, reviewer, label, and so on. This defines the types of commits or PRs that are considered in the lead time calculation.
- On the Settings tab, select the relevant Workflow profile, and then select Next: Place Widget.
- Select where you want to place the widget on the Insight, and then select Save Layout.

PR lead time calculation
Several SCM PR reports include lead time. Lead time is the sum of the time spent in each stage in a workflow, such as commit-to-deployment time for a change, open-to-merge time for PRs, or the issue lifetime for SCM issues. Lead time can help identify where a team is spending time and if the amount of time spent in each stage falls in an acceptable range.
The specific events or stages considered in a lead time calculation depend on the report and the stages defined in the associated Workflow profile. The lead time ultimately depends on the stages that a PR or issue actually goes through. For example, if there are no comments on the pull request, then the time to comment is zero.
The following examples demonstrate how PR lead time would be calculated in different scenarios. These examples are based on the default configuration for a PR-based Workflow profile, which has four stages: PR creation time, time to comment, approval time, and merge time.
When reviewing these examples, consider the following:
- Time to Comment helps you understand the lead time between PR creation time and the associated review.
- There are two ways to track the time taken for a PR approval:
- Default Approval Time configuration: The overall approval time, starting from PR creation.
- Approval Time minus Time to Comment: Time spent in the review cycle when an active reviewer is involved.
- The overall lead time is the sum of the average time spent in each stage. This is where you can determine where teams are spending their time and whether this is an acceptable range.
SCM PR Lead Time calculation example #1
For this example, assume the following series of events occurs:
- Contributor makes a commit (
Commit created event
). - Contributor creates a pull request (
Pull Request created event
). - Reviewer adds a comment (
Review1 event
). - The Pull Request is approved by an approver (
Pull Request approval event
). - The Pull Request is merged to the repository (
Pull Request Merged event
As a result, the following calculations are made:
PR creation time = Pull Request created event - Commit created event
Time to first comment = Review1 event - Pull Request created event
Approval Time = Pull Request approval event - Review1 event
Merge Time = Pull Request Merged event - Pull Request approval event
SCM PR Lead Time calculation example #2
For this example, assume the following series of events occurs:
- Contributor makes a commit (
Commit created event
). - Contributor creates a pull request (
Pull Request created event
). - Reviewer adds a comment (
Review1 event
). - Reviewer adds a comment (
Review2 event
). - Reviewer adds a comment (
Review3 event
). - The Pull Request is approved by an approver (
Pull Request approval event
). - The Pull Request is merged to the repository (
Pull Request Merged event
As a result, the following calculations are made:
PR creation time = Pull Request created event - Commit created event
Time to first comment = Review1 event - Pull Request created event
Approval Time = Review3 event - Review1 event
Merge Time = Pull Request Merged event - Pull Request approval event